If you are looking for ways to combat your election day anxiety, you have come to the right place.

Are you experiencing heightened anxiety due to today’s election? Would following the election results disrupt your mental health and self-care boundaries?
This is a day I’m struggling with, so I created a list of productive activities to take part in instead of following the election results. For me, this means no news, social media, or group texts. You can also use this list if you plan to take a social media break in the future.
There are a lot of hours to fill, leading up to the election results, so there is an opportunity for you to get a lot done today.
Here are 30 things to do instead of following the 2020 election.
Get a jump start on your 2021 goals
Create a new mood booster music playlists
Try Meditation or a new workout routine
Try a new comfort food recipe
Put away your summer clothes
Reorganize your drawers/closets
Start a new podcast (I recommend Scam Goddess)
Start a puzzle (or if you are like me, finish your puzzle)
Finish that book you started
Organize the apps and folders on your phone
Organize your finances by making a calendar/chart of payments by day and accounts
Research how to invest
Declutter your inbox
Tackle your laundry before the weekend
Go through your bills and cancel any unwanted subscriptions
Set up your bills for auto-pay
Clean out your pantry/fridge
Paint a room in your house
Deep clean your bathroom/kitchen
Rearrange a room in your house
Repot your plants
Start a donation pile from unwanted clothes/items in your home
Call someone you love (who won’t talk about politics)
Write a letter to your younger/future self
Rewatch your favorite movie/TV series
Research and donate to a new charity
Get a jump start on your Christmas shopping.
Plan your next vacation, outing, or meet-up with friends
Color or draw a picture of yourself
Learn a dance routine from HOMECOMING: A film by Beyonce on Netflix
I hope you enjoyed this list of things to do instead of following the election. Please feel free to comment with more suggestions!